Every paycheck you have received since you got your first job has had taxes taken out of it beforehand. You pay several different kinds of taxes, all of which help benefit you or support the state. One of the deductions you may notice on your paycheck is for Social Security.
You make contributions throughout your working life and can then potentially claim retirement benefits when you get older. Some people will find themselves unable to work while before they are old enough to claim retirement benefits. They might develop a degenerative medical condition or suffer a life-altering injury in a car crash.
These adults may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits if they can no longer work. However, they will need to have made enough payments into Social Security to qualify for those benefits.
Every year, you accrue credit for working
The Social Security Administration (SSA) tracks how much each person contributes from their paycheck to fund the benefits program. For every $1,510, you can earn one credit, although the SSA will only award you a maximum of four credits per year.
Most workers will need to have at least 40 credits accrued to qualify for SSDI, and at least twenty of those credits will need to be from within the last 10 years. The longer someone has worked and the more they have earned each year, the greater their potential of meeting the 40 credit minimum the SSA has for benefits.
In some cases, younger workers can qualify with fewer benefits. If someone who has made social security contribution suffers a permanent injury before the age of 31, they may qualify for benefits even with fewer than 40 credits.
Evaluating if you qualify is an important step
Before you initiate the process of applying for SSDI, it’s important to estimate whether you will qualify or not. You will also need to gather documentation about your medical condition. It is often your health and evidence, not your work history, that complicates an SSDI claim. The more prepared you are before applying, the better your chances of approval.
Familiarizing yourself with the basics about Social Security disability benefits can help you get the support you need after an injury or medical condition and your career.