The Social Security Blue Book is a book that has all listings of recognized impairments. The book has specific listings that detail out how serious an illness or injury has to be before a person can seek disability benefits.
The Social Security Administration has the listing of impairments online, so anyone can browse it to see if their condition is present. The listing describes impairments significant enough to prevent gainful activity. Conditions are listed for each major body system.
Are all conditions listed in the Social Security Blue Book?
No. While there are many listings with various conditions, not all conditions are listed in the book. Those who cannot find their specific illness or condition should locate the most similar condition in the book to get an idea of what the qualifications are for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits.
How do you navigate the listing of impairments?
There are two parts of the listing of impairments. The first, Part A, has all medical criteria applying to adults who are 18 or older. In some cases, this same information could be used to evaluate children if the disease affects children and adults in the same ways. With Part B, the medical criteria only apply to those under age 18.
If your condition is in the listing of impairments, do you qualify for SSDI?
Not necessarily. Although your condition may be listed, that doesn’t mean you qualify for SSDI. You will need to meet the criteria in the Blue Book and be able to establish that you cannot work due to being disabled. Additionally, if your condition is not in the listing, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you aren’t disabled. It just means that the adjudicator in your case has to consider other rules to determine if you qualify.
Qualifying for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits is not always easy, and it’s common to receive a rejection or denial despite being disabled. If you do receive a denial, remember that you have the opportunity to appeal that denial and ask that the case is reviewed again. If you are disabled and unable to work, you should fight for the benefits you’ve worked for.